SJPS COVID-19 Protocol

SJPS takes the COVID-19 pandemic seriously and expects the same from all crew and clients. To reduce risk, no visitors will be allowed on a work site.

Personal and Shared Individual Responsibilities for Crew

  • Provide my own personal mask, or, alert Production if I am unable to do so. 
  • Keep a distance of six feet or more from other individuals whenever possible including during breaks and/or meals. 
  • Wear a face mask when within six feet of another individual AND when near equipment other than equipment only handled by myself. 
  • Avoid touching your face, nose, and eyes. 
  • Cover your cough or sneeze. 
  • Wash my hands with soap and water multiple times throughout the day. 
  • Keep my personal equipment clean and sanitized.
  • Consider bringing my own food and drink utensils and vessels. 
  • Stay home and alert Producer if I am exhibiting mild or severe symptoms of COVID-19 including:
    -shortness of breath or difficulty breathing
    Or at least two of these:
    -repeated shaking with chills
    -headache -sore throat
    -new loss of taste or smell
  • Keep a daily log of your temperature during duration of the pandemic.

SJPS Responsibilities

  • Require all crew to take Safe Sets COVID-19 Certified for the Film and Video Production Industry prior to shoot.
  • Conduct a health and safety meeting at the start of the day for production crew. 
  • Make hand sanitizer (60+% alcohol) available for every participant of production. 
  • Sanitize communal surfaces. Provide disposable gloves for entire crew.
  • Provide individually-packaged meals and craft service. 
  • Provide back-up masks for all crew and any others on site. 
  • Provide remote viewing capabilities when necessary to maintain distance.
  • Provide an Infection Prevention Compliance Supervisor (IPCS) whose sole responsibility is to conduct, maintain, supervise all the above efforts when crew is larger than 6 people.
  • Refer to the KC Film Commission COVID-19 for any unusual circumstances to determine specific protocol: