A few weeks ago I was introduced to the band Run Little Rabbit. Amanda had an art showing in Topeka and through another band we found out about them. I have been looking to shoot a music video and they seemed like a great opportunity. Chad Chamberlain jumped in and split the director of photography and steadicam duties. Madeline dropped in to run the hazer and snap some stills. I am grateful to both and the band for a great day.
The song is based off of 2 old bluegrass standards and the lyrics were written by RLR. Chad and I both quizzed the girls on what it was about (that is our nature as steadicam operators, to understand the story and translate it to the movement). See if you can figure it out. We did 11 takes and now the song is embedded deep in my head.
The video was shot with a Panasonic AF100, 1080/24p, Lens included Canon FD 50mm, 1.4, Olympus Zuiko 14-35, F2, and a Lumix 14-7 wide angle. I may still go back on do a color correction pass but am not sure. I like how it looks now.
There is something about this song and the band that makes me feel good. During the shoot the feeling of joy was overwhelming and as soon as I got home I started to edit. I hope the video gives you the same feeling.
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